I’m Liz,

Your friendly neighbourhood period pain detective, cycle support practitioner, fertility awareness educator…
And all round fellow cyclical human

Welcome to this space where all aspects of your multifacted, human self are celebrated X

I am freaking passionate about
cycle empowerment and body literacy.

Deeply understanding my menstrual cycle has been the biggest game changer in my life.

The body literacy, self confidence and self acceptance that comes from acknowledging how human we are, and that we have this beautiful inner superpower that we get to FLOW with... well, it continues to blow my mind!

And now I am here to pass this wisdom onto you.

Because I truly believe we need more humans on this planet who know their bodies, understand their cyclical fluctuations and LOVE themselves through it all. And when we have that, we have so much more understanding and love to give to the world around us.

But this love for my cycle is not something I was born with.

It is something I have cultivated over the last 7 years.

A practice I have muddled through, experimented with, and come home to again and again.

Up until I was 25, I was disconnected from my body, thought getting my period was the most inconvenient thing ever, and I distinctly remember wrinkling my nose up at the 'moon cups' being advertised on the back of the bathroom stalls at Uni.

This was the same version of me that got caught out at a music festival when my period decided to come on the 3hr drive there. When I was unprepared and resorted to shoving wads of toilet paper in my undies in the hopes to soak it up (it did not work well btw).

This was the version of me that tried all kinds of hormonal birth control from the age of 15 in the hopes of 'regulating my cycle' (I ended up on the Implanon AND the pill at the same time at one point 😅).

This was the very same me that felt like a floating head, that had bouts of depression because I only listened and acted from the neck up and would dismiss my emotions…

It took time. And multiple niggles from my body.

But I eventually decided to listen to the voice within me that said “get off these synthetic hormones”… and my whole life changed!

I (pretty much instantly) felt more grounded within myself and the brain fog dissipated overnight.

I started to learn how my body changed through my cycle, how my body temperature was different, my cervix moved, and I produced different types of cervical fluid. Not to mention I could use this as my birth control instead of relying on popping a pill!

Over time I have also noticed how my moods, feelings and physical body change in a predictable pattern each cycle. Which has in turn helped me to embrace my emotions and be ready for the ups and downs that come with being a human.

And guess what?! I even ended up using a menstrual cup and period undies (oh how far I have come).

Nowadays I bring all of these elements into my daily life.

I know to listen to these changes in order to be proactive about my health.

I am able to advocate for myself at the doctors AND I have learnt to love my bleed more than I ever dreamed possible! I feel educated, empowered, in control.

It’s about bloody time you felt this way too

*yes I do love me a good period pun

A combination of womb connection, self exploration, life redirections and big shoves from the universe has led me to where I am today. Teaching this knowledge far and wide.

It was always meant to be. Even if I didn’t know it 7 years ago.

Now I weave the Science and the Spiritual aspects of cycles together. Combining my studies in Biomedical Science and Women’s Hormonal Health, with those of Fertility Awareness Based Methods and Menstrual Cycle Awareness

Basically, I teach you all the things about your cycles and periods that you wish you had learnt in school.

AND I support you to achieve your hormonal health & fertility goals!

*Want to know what Fertility Awareness and Menstrual Cycle Awareness are?? You can read my blog post on them here

My strengths lie in supporting you to navigate your cycle, whether you are:

  • looking for a natural form of contraception

  • trying to conceive

  • wanting to balance your hormonal health

  • yearning to understand and embrace the changes you go through each cycle

  • aiming to eliminate period pain (yes it is very possible!),

  • or needing anything else on your cyclical journey. 

My ultimate goal is to help you come home to your body, embrace your cycle as a super power, and live your healthiest, happiest life.

 Ready to learn with me and step into this healthier, more connected version of you?

Or choose your goal and learn how I can support you with my magic…

Connecting To
Your Cycle


Coming Off Hormonal
Birth Control

Period Pain

+ Conception

My “offish” qualifications

(In case you like to know that you are in safe hands)

I initially graduated University in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Forensics from Murdoch Uni in Perth, WA (crazy to think that I nearly joined the police - but life had other more amazing plans!).

I then changed directions after discovering my cyclical super power and realising how critical charting our cycles and fertility signs is to being able to advocate for our health. So in 2021 I completed my FEMM and teenFEMM Fertility Awareness Educator Training through FEMM aka Fertility Education & Medical Management (this is a form of sympto-hormonal method of fertility awareness). I also weave through elements of Sensiplan’s sympto-thermal method into my teaching. A method that I am self taught in and have been successfully using to avoid pregnancy for the last 7 years. (I would love to do further studies in this field eventually - there is so much to learn).

In 2022 I completed further training through the Fertility Knowledge Collective, and am still a part of this group online to make sure I stay up to date in this ever-evolving field.

2023 saw me complete my Women’s Hormonal Health Certification (with flying colours) through the Institute for Menstrual Health!

I am excited to continue learning through 2024 and beyond, and have my eyes set on training in bloodwork analysis, DUTCH testing, and ongoing mentorship to amazing people in these fields - so stay tuned as more wisdom unfolds.

“Your cycle can be your inner burden, or your greatest super power”

When I’m not nerding out over periods, what else do I do??

Get into nature

Is there anything more grounding and dreamy than feeling the sand between your toes, hearing the crash of waves, and tasting the hint of salt on your lips?



Dance my booty around

It’s not always pretty but it’s such a wonderful form of self expression.


Enjoy a hot mug of tea // cacao

OK, let’s be real. By the time I often finish it, it’s far from hot. But I love having a mug in my hands while planning my day or practicing some gratitude for this life I am living.

Work towards my dream future

Featuring country living, sustainable gardens, lots of animals, my beautiful partner, and of course - an outdoor bath.

Not to mention a gorgeous, modern, red-tent-vibes retreat centre. Oh and the elimination of period pain for everyone around the globe.


Want to know more about Wild Womb Co-, and the beautiful mission + bold vision behind this work??