Your free cycle connect kit awaits…

Heya beautiful,

Feeling the niggle to explore your cyclical super power?
You’re in the right space!

This toolkit contains my favourite cycle practices, collated for you to drop into your body, connect to your unique rhythms and remember how magnificent you are

Did you know that on average you will have 450 bleeds over your lifetime.

That’s 2,000+ days of bleeding…
Soooo around 7 years of your life.

7 years of your life!

Let that just sink in for a second.

Doesn’t it blow your mind then that so many of us experience pain, PMS, disconnection from ourselves - and that is considered the norm?!

Can you picture yourself spending that much time frustrated and ashamed of your body?

How would it feel instead, to utilise that time creating beautiful rituals? To have space to honour your body’s wisdom? To learn to work with your flow, and discover that you get to LOVE your period?

Of course, this change isn’t going to happen overnight. (nor should it)
It’s all about the small practices, understanding our cyclical changes, learning to tune into these over and over and over again.

That’s why I have brought together my favourite tools to help you connect into your body.

This free cycle toolkit is here to guide you inwards.

So you can tap into your cyclical patterns, learn to live in sync with your cycle and ACTUALLY enjoy it. No longer is this something you “just have to go through”!

What’s included

5 Step Guide To Understanding Your Cycle

My 5 step journaling guide to learn your unique patterns and help you live in sync with your cycle. This includes information on how to flow with the lunar cycle if you aren’t cycling naturally right now!

Cyclical Tracking Map

A beautiful A3 tool that is as cyclical as you - to be used alongside your journaling practice or by itself. This allows you to tune into how you are feeling each day of your cycle, and notice the patterns that arise so that you can plan accordingly.

Lush Womb Meditation

Listen to this meditation whenever you want to get out of your head, drop into your body, connect with your womb, heal your heart or all of the above!

+ other bonus goodies
(plus it’s all totally free - my gift to you!)

*Please note these are going to be just as potent even if you aren't cycling naturally right now.
If this is the case for you, you can always tune into mama moon's cycle which I cover in the free journaling guide*

  • OMG. This meditation is incredible. I feel so connected to my womb, which I've never felt before. This is such a gift that you're providing 💕


  • Thank you so much for the journaling freebie. The journalling prompts are helpful as they give me an idea of what to focus on when I write and they guide me during the day to be aware of those things in my body.


  • The meditation was magical ✨


Let me introduce myself:

Hey gorgeous, I’m Liz!

Founder and visionary behind Wild Womb Co-
Lover of cyclical awareness and period chats.
Teacher of body literacy and fertility awareness…

I’m here for the women and menstruating humans like you, to show you that IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOVE YOUR CYCLES.

I am all about you understanding your hormones so you feel empowered and at home in your body, AND I GET LIT THE HECK UP by you harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle!

Because I used to be so disconnected from my cycle.
I used to HATE getting my period.

Now I’ve done a complete 180 and have seen first-hand that when we fully embrace our cycles, we fully embrace ourselves.

And the world needs more of us being our beautiful selves!