When it comes to your health, it’s time to be

Conscious, Connected + Committed

Read on to discover the magic of Wild Womb Co-, how we came to be and what we stand for as a business

Wild Womb Co- was born off the back of Liz’s personal journey navigating horrendous periods, hormonal birth control, doctors who wouldn’t listen, and taking back control of her body…
(you can learn more about Liz and her story here)

It was clear that more education, awareness and care was needed within the menstrual health space, to make sure that women and cyclical humans (like you!) were not being swept under the rug, with symptoms being dismissed or waved off as ‘normal’.

Instead there needed to be a space to come to, where you could learn with reverence and love about your cycles. Where you could master making your health, contraceptive and fertility decisions from an informed and conscious place!

It was from that need that Wild Womb Co- was birthed into the world…

The Wild Womb Co- Vision

Wild Womb Co- is here to create and cultivate a sense of home and connectedness.

Firstly to our wombs, then to our bodies, and from there rippling out to create safe spaces within our communities.

This work exists to show you that we get to embrace all facets of the human experience, to appreciate the light and the dark, the sharp and the soft edges, the life and death, the creation and destruction.
And that we get to THRIVE from that place.
Because there is beauty in your polarity, in your cyclical nature, in the human-ness that is you.

We at Wild Womb Co- dream of a world where being a menstruating human is something to be celebrated and honoured.

Where our children will grow up without the shame and stigma surrounding periods. Where we work with our healthcare practitioners to make the aligned, proactive, conscious choices for our wellbeing. Where learning to track our fertility signs is commonplace for insights into our health and as a form of contraception or to help us conceive. Where period poverty is ended around the globe.

The Wild Womb Co- Values

Conscious Choices

Wild Womb Co- was founded on the belief that you deserve to be empowered and educated when it comes to making decisions about your health. We believe that you have a right to autonomy and knowledge over your own bodies so that you can make informed and conscious choices for yourself.

Unfortunately this doesn’t always happen when you go in to see your doctor or healthcare provider… Often due to a lack of time, lack of education (on the part of your provider), or a lack of interest to look at alternative opportunities. We are here to change that when it comes to your hormonal health, menstrual cycles, periods, fertility and birth control options - because you deserve better, and you deserve to be the best version of you!


For so long we have been taught to disconnect. To rely on forces external to us, to operate from our heads, and that our cycle can just be turned off without any repercussions to the rest of our body.

Here at Wild Womb Co- we believe in the infinite power of connection and we are here to wholeheartedly celebrate that. We know that with connection comes support and understanding, and you are so much more connected than you realise!

In fact, this is the cornerstone of why Wild Womb Co- exists! The connection to all aspects of yourself, to your body, your womb, to other beautiful humans, nature, the moon, the seasons, are all foundational to our teachings and offerings. We are also here to show you how your reproductive system, your fertility, your cycles are so intricately connected with your overall health… AND how you can use this knowledge to live your best life (and so you can commit to making conscious health choices for yourself!)


Commitment is a pivotal part of Wild Womb Co- and how we work. and this comes through in a multitude of ways.

First and foremost we are committed to providing quality education on fertility awareness, menstrual cycle awareness and hormonal health. Part of this commitment is that we know we may make mistakes and get it wrong along the way, due to the (thankfully) ever evolving field of health. When this happens we promise to own our mistakes and human-ness and learn from these places.
(We have also partnered with Humanitix for our events, who are committed to providing access to education and healthcare for disadvantaged children worldwide!).

Secondly, when working with us we are inviting you into a deeper commitment to yourself, and as such, we invite you to take full responsibility for your health goals and achievements (although we are here to support and celebrate you fully along the way!)

Thirdly, we are committed to the fact that this work is not a bandaid fix - this is work that invites you back to yourself over and over, to re-commit to yourself over and over, and that is way more powerful than any quick fix solution. We also recognise that people and therefore cycles, come in all shapes and forms. And while we share general information on socials and in our free content, there is not a one size fits all approach to this work (if you need more specialised support please reach out to us here).

Next up, we are committed to inclusivity. While we predominantly work with people who identify as women, Wild Womb Co- recognises that not all women bleed (and that doesn’t make you any less of a woman), and not all people who bleed are women. We aim to be inclusive with our language around this, and if you feel that we could do this better, we invite you to reach out to us.

Another cause that we are committed to is ending period poverty in Australia and around the globe. We are currently doing this by donating to
Share The Dignity, an Australian company that gets period products to those in need. You will notice that when you purchase some of our products/services a donation will be made on your behalf.

And last, but definitely not least, we are committed to living, working, bleeding and promoting sustainability within the menstrual cycle and fertility awareness space because we are deeply connected, committed and devoted to mother nature (after all we come from her and we will return to her).

It’s time to reclaim your cyclical power + your deep inner wisdom

Wild Womb Co- is here for:

The women and menstruating humans like you, who are DONE with the narrative of:

  • “Periods are painful, that's just how things are. That’s normal”

  • “You have to be the same day in, day out”

  • “You are only worthy when you are doing/productive”


  • “Just go on hormonal birth control, it will fix your cycle and hormones”

  • “Nah, you don’t need to support your body when you come off that birth control.”

  • “OMG you aren’t on the pill, you will be pregnant in the next 3 months!”

    but somehow also

  • “Can’t fall pregnant straight away? Hmm there’s not much we can do right now, let’s just wait a few more months and see what happens…”

Ready to shift these stories and get back control of your body?

We see you. We’ve got you.

We understand the niggle you are getting that there must be more to life than being the same day in and out.

We know that you want to start listening to your
body and the wisdom it holds.

We get that you are ready to come off hormonal birth control, but you aren’t quite sure what your other contraceptive options are.

Or maybe you know you want to conceive in the near future, so you want to ditch the pill and make sure your body is healthy and ovulating!

You are not alone on your journey!

You deserve better

You deserve to understand and know and love your body.

You are allowed to advocate for yourself and your health.

Because there is actually another way to live.

One where you get to honour the differences in how you feel through your cycle. Where you live in tune with your body. Where you plan your life around your period. Where you get to enjoy it when you bleed. Where EVERY part of you is accepted. And where you can access natural and effective ways to conceive or avoid pregnancy - with no synthetic hormones!

You deserve a life where you get to EMBRACE your SUPER POWER. You ready?!

How can we support you?

Connecting To
Your Cycle


Coming Off Hormonal
Birth Control

Period Pain

+ Conception

“Liz is a gorgeous bundle of information and care,
she delivers education without overwhelm and with so much patience.

I wouldn’t trust the process of reconnecting with myself, my body and my cycle with anyone else”
