Tell me, do any of these sound like you?

  • You’ve come off (or are about to come off) hormonal birth control because it’s no longer working for you

  • You want to know what it’s like to have a natural cycle but you are also not ready to fall pregnant…

  • Or you know you want to fall pregnant soon and you want to make sure you are optimising ovulation to have the best shot at conceiving

  • Maybe cycle tracking sounds great in theory… but people keep telling you it’s too risky and you will fall pregnant for sure (including your GP)

  • Or you have been trying for a number of months to fall pregnant without success

  • Plus you are so over experiencing the side effects that come with your period every single month. The PMS, the mood swings, the cramping… the list goes on!

sound like you?

If you…

  • Want to enjoy sex with your partner without ALWAYS having to use a condom…

  • Have ever had unprotected sex and then were so anxious for the rest of your cycle, waiting for your period to arrive…

  • Are heartbroken and frustrated by your doctors telling you you have to try conceiving for 12 months before they can do anything to help, or that you need to have 3 miscarriages before they will do more testing…

  • Get so overwhelmed with the amount of information on Google and social media (but then also somehow there is not enough?!)

  • Desperately want to know what the heck is going on with your horrendous hormones , or

  • Want to take back your reproductive control…

if you said yes to any of these…

then Cycle Savvy is the program for you

I want to let you in on a secret (that deep down you know is true)

Our medical and education system has not set you up for success when it comes to your reproductive health

You have been taught that you can shut off your cycle and it won’t make a difference
You have been told that ovulating isn’t important until you want to fall pregnant
You have been told that it’s too complicated to accurately chart your cycle and practice fertility awareness

BUT I want you to know something else

You deserve to understand and feel empowered in your cycle
Your cycle isn’t separate from you or the rest of your body
You are so freaking capable of learning to track and chart your unique fertility biomarkers
AND you can make educated and informed decisions about your cycle health

No matter whether you are on a journey of avoiding pregnancy naturally, looking to conceive or taking control of your health…

Cycle Savvy is going to show you how easy it is to be confident in your cycle

What is Cycle Savvy?

Cycle Savvy is a one of a kind fertility awareness course, supporting you to chart your cycles for contraception, conception and health

This is a 4 month container to support you to

✦ Become much more aware of what is going on with your hormones, your cycle and your body

✦ Recognise that ovulation is not only important for pregnancy, and that your fertility is not just about having babies (although if that is your goal - that’s amazing too!)

✦ Master fertility awareness - aka identifying and charting your body’s unique fertility signs

✦ Apply this wisdom so that you can either successfully avoid pregnancy, time sex to fall pregnant, and/or feel more confident in your body

✦ Feel empowered as you take back control of your reproductive health and learn to make informed, educated decisions

sound yum?!

The next (and last live round) kicks off on the 1st November.
Now is the best time to have me as your support squad as you make sense of your hormones and cycles!

Want to know the human who will support you through this program?

Hey gorgeous, I’m Liz!

I first started having a cycle around the age of 15, and along with that cycle came excruciating pain, nausea and vomiting. Fun times! As a result I was sent down a path of trying multiple types of birth control pills (with plenty of their own side effects), before ending up on the Implanon. And at one point I was taking the pill to ‘regulate’ the crazy cycles I was experiencing from the Implanon!

This worked for a time, but after 10 years of being on the hormonal birth control roller coaster, I eventually decided it wasn't right for me any longer... I wanted to ditch the hormonal birth control to connect back to my body, get a hold on my health, and understand who the heck I was…

But I had no idea what my other options were! And I really didn’t want to get pregnant!

That led to a lot of googling and researching, and I eventually came across using Fertility Awareness. I decided to give it a go, I learn to track my fertility signs and then I never looked back!

It’s now been 6 beautiful years of successfully avoiding pregnancy naturally using this knowledge AND I am able to see what is going on with my cycle health by noticing key signs in my chart (which is a pretty big indicator of our overall health too)

I get it though, this isn’t common knowledge. It isn’t something we get taught in school. In fact there is a lot of misinformation and fear mongering that goes on when it comes to our cycles.

But you are here because you know that it’s time to get those answers, and get them from a reliable source.

You are intrigued about effectively tracking your fertility signs (whether that is for contraception, conception or health)

And you are ready to embrace and enjoy your natural cycle!

So what do you say?!
Wanna chart together??

P.S You can check my nerdy credentials here


Your Investment


*all prices are in AUD

I have priced Cycle Savvy so that you get as much value as possible. while supporting me to support you!
If this feels stretchy for you, that is a freaking good sign that worthwhile change is around the corner!
And it’s an opportunity for you to ask yourself how much is this wisdom and freedom worth to you?!

With that in mind though, I do want this to be accessible and affordable too,
if you need a personalised payment plan please reach out or book in for a discovery call

Cycle Savvy Client Love

"The Cycle Savvy Course was the illuminating learning experience every cyclical human deserves to take pleasure in. Liz was an incredible, relatable, fun and engaging teacher. She provided me with some of the most emotionally healing experiences I've ever had through the incredible one-on-one sessions that you receive alongside the in-depth & insightful classes.

I think the most important thing I have gained from this experience though has been the opportunity to build confidence within myself, the confidence to understand my body and take care of my body.”

This is for you if you’re ready to take control of your body

You know that something needs to change when it comes to your reproductive options

And you are at the point where you have been doing, is no longer cutting it for you.

It’s time to make some change and put in the effort to learn and implement a daily practice that will serve you for the rest of your life

If you are ready and open to the learning curve and empowerment that comes with charting your cycle - I can’t wait to support you on this journey!

What’s included in the program?


    Covering everything from anatomy to hormones, basal body temp to cervical fluid, natural contraception to achieving pregnancy… Plus your cycle and health & more


    These calls are your space to ask questions in real time with Liz, and get an expert set of eyes over your chart to make sure you are acing it and to help with interpretation


    Between our calls and your one on one sessions, you can also ask me your quick questions and make sure you are checking your biomarkers correctly!


    A space for you to connect with the other beautiful, cyclical humans in the program, and stay updated on everything program related!


    This is my fave app for empowered charting, and you will get 3 months free access as part of the program!


    Making mistakes is part of the learning process, but you’ll gain way more confidence if you’re making mistakes on practice charts & not your own! That’s why you get practice charts each week to review and build your understanding


    You get BONUS FREE ACCESS to the Love Your Cycle Masterclass and any additional masterclasses I run during our time together!


    Get 2 one on one sessions with Liz to dive into your specific cycle, period and charting questions!

Words from a previous cyclical savvy graduate

"I feel very connected & in tune with my body’s rhythms after completing Cycle Savvy. I was overwhelmed when trying to learn the FAM method on my own. In Cycle Savvy, Liz breaks down each piece into digestible chucks that build up into confidence to actually use the method - for contraception in my case.

Thank you for sharing this wisdom Liz, I felt completely supported by you every step on the way. You have given me body literacy & sovereignty in a way I didn’t know was possible. When I eventually choose to conceive, I will be honoured to pass this knowledge onto my daughter."

I want you to imagine this…

  • You understand what the heck is going on with your hormones and can see early on if something is out of the ordinary (which means you can take action sooner!)

  • You can identify when you’re ovulating

  • You can accurately identify when your fertile window is - and use that knowledge to effectively achieve or avoid pregnancy

  • You have a much more enjoyable cycle now, and your period pain/PMS symptoms have reduced significantly

  • You know when your period is coming so you can plan your life accordingly, and

  • You’ve taken back control of your reproductive choice, you feel more confident in your body AND you can make informed, educated decisions about your cycle health

Still have questions?

  • Heck yes! There is a common misconception that if you have a regular cycle, missing periods, PCOS etc. that you can’t track your cycle. This is not the case! It may be a steeper learning curve in the beginning but tracking your cycle is actually going to allow you to work out if you are ovulating and more accurately work out when your next period is! This is because you learn to track your unique biomarkers each day, and you then interpret that, rather than just going off when you bleed and trying to guess when you are fertile! The bonus is that you can track your cycle for health too and we can then get a better picture as to why your cycles aren’t regular AND how you can support them to become more regular!

  • Great question, it really depends on your intention! Hormonal birth control predominantly works by over-riding your natural cycle and giving you consistent low levels of synthetic hormones each day. As such you don’t ovulate and you won’t be able to see a temperature shift. You may also not see any shift in cervical fluid. If you are wanting to come off HBC soon and want to get into the practice of charting and learn the rules before committing, then you are very welcome to sign up! Similarly if you are on HBC that doesn’t fully supress ovulation (like the Mirena) then this might be supportive for you too. If you want to discuss your unique circumstance and if it is the right fit, make sure to book in for a discovery call here

  • Yes, I will be teaching you the fundamentals of fertility awareness, including tracking basal body temperature, cervical fluid, LH testing, cervical position and more. You will then learn how to use this information to open and close your fertile window so you can choose your intimacy and sexual practices to effectively avoid or achieve pregnancy

  • Charting doesn’t take much time each day. A couple of minutes to take your temperature each morning, checking when you are already wiping and going to the bathroom, optional time if you want to check your cervix or use LH strips, and a few minutes at the end of each day to pop your data into your chart. The main time factor comes when learning to interpret your data, but by the end of Cycle Savvy you will be much more confident and speedy at doing this!

  • There are a couple of reasons.

    #1 - This is paced over 4 months (vs 4-6 weeks). I have done this so you have plenty of time to learn and actually integrate these practices. Learning fertility awareness can take time and it’s a lot easier and sustainable when you have someone consistently by your side to support you (that’s me!)

    #2 - It can take around 3 cycles to get comfortable with what you are observing and charting and interpreting. 4 months gives us ample time for you to build this practice into your life - plus there is a short break over Christmas so you can catch up and fully integrate what you are learning

    #3 - With my background in Biomedical Science and studies in hormone health, I weave in support for your cycle health too. It can take around 12 weeks to see the impact of lifestyle changes on your cycle because that’s how long your follicle takes to fully mature, so 4 months is plenty of time for us to see those beautiful changes in your charting!

  • If you don't have one already I recommend purchasing a basal body temp thermometer which you can get for as little as $13 from chemist warehouse here in Aus. You won't need this until week 2 of the program X

  • We can do that no problem! I want to make sure this is the right fit for you so book in for your free 30 minute discovery call here

  • Our opening ceremony is Friday 1st November 7-8.30pm AEdT.

    Your content calls and Q&A calls will be on a Thursday or a Tuesday, starting the 12th November. The time of these calls will be dependent on availabilities of the collective.

    Our closing ceremony is Saturday 4th March 2025 at 6pm AEDT.

  • The group call time will be dependent on the members of this round, so you should be able to make it life!
    If however you are unable to, you will have access to the call recordings for life (and these are usually available within 24hrs of the call)

  • This is a 4 month program, starting 1st November 2024 until 4th March 2025 (with a break over the Christmas period!). For more information for why it is 4 months please read the FAQ ‘What Makes Cycle Savvy different from other programs?’

  • We start Friday st November with the New Moon in Scorpio! Doors will be closing for this round on Thursday 31st October at 11.59pm, so that I can make sure we are all ready to go for the opening ceremony on the Friday evening X

  • Of course!
    Please reach out to me via email or Insta dms

  • There are no refunds due to the digital nature of this offering.
    Understandably, life changes do happen, so individual payment plans can be arranged if needed.
    You will receive lifetime access to the call replays and all resources so you can absorb this in your own time.

  • Please reach out to me via email or Insta dms

Let’s make sure this program is the right next step for you!

If you are not 100% sure and are having objections come up, awesome, I welcome that because that means you are listening to yourself! I want to help you work out if those objections are also met with excitement, or whether maybe this just isn't the right time for you - so let's jump on a FREE 30 min discovery call to chat about this and what you want to get out of the program.