Chart Your Cycle Masterclass

For my fellow womb warriors ready to learn about tracking ovulation
and making
navigating your cycle as simple as scrolling on socials

Hey there gorgeous…

Which of these sounds most like you?

#1 You’ve ditched your hormonal birth control (or you are about to) because it just wasn’t working for you any more, and you are like a kid on Christmas waiting to experience what it’s like to have a natural cycle…

BUT you are also shitting your pants about getting pregnant - it’s not on the cards yet (if ever)!

Yeah you think the idea of cycle tracking sounds great, but is it really that effective?
Your doctor doesn’t seem to think so…
But then there’s heaps of people talking about it on socials, and some convincing stuff come up in your Google search, but there’s also that scene playing in your head from Mean Girls - you know the one with the coach being all “you will get pregnant, and you will die”…
It seems like it might be super complicated to learn, and can you even trust these apps that say they are safe *cough Daysy and Natural Cycles… (let’s also be honest, you don’t want to have to use condoms all the time!)


#2 You’ve got your eyes on the prize of conception and you are so freaking ready to create a family!

You know that pregnancy is the path you want to walk soon and you want to optimise your cycle and ovulation for when you are ready! You might have even started trying but you aren’t sure if you are timing things right and you really don’t want sex to become a chore…

A quick Google search told you that you only have a 25-30% chance of conceiving each cycle…
But then didn’t you learn in school that you can get pregnant ALL THE TIME.
So which is it? Why the heck is it so contradictory?

And if you have already been trying for a number of months and you are feeling heartbroken that your baby isn’t here in the 3D yet this is going to be super supportive for you too (and I’m beaming you love if this is you!).


#3 Your period loves rocking up unannounced and throwing a raging party in your ovaries so you are desperate for more intimate knowledge on your cycle health!

You are so over the side effects that come with your period every single month. The PMS, the mood swings, the cramping… where does it end?!

You want to understand what the heck is going on with your rollercoaster hormones, and you aren’t even sure if you are ovulating?! Or maybe it’s early menopause??
It’s time to get to the bottom of all that and be able to understand the different phases of your cycle.

Plus it would be a MASSIVE BONUS to know when your period is coming so you can plan your life accordingly!

The great news is, whether you resonate more with scenario 1, 2 or 3 (or a combo…)

This free Masterclass is for you!

You are gonna learn how to EASILY check your 3 primary fertility signs and MAKE SENSE of what it all means!

And then I’m going to show you how you can use this knowledge to navigate your cycle
whether you want a natural and effective contraceptive option,
you want to get pregnant, or
you want to take control of your cycle health!

In case we haven’t been properly introduced yet…

Heya, I’m Liz!

Your resident womb warrior, tea lover, cycle charter, space holder and lover of cyclical awareness and period chats.
I’m a forensic scientist turned hormonal health coach, here to make your cycles WAY LESS COMPLICATED and WAY MORE ENJOYABLE, because that whole story about you just having to suffer each month is BS.

7 years ago, after 10 years on hormonal birth control, I decided to ditch the pill in order to connect back to my body, get a hold on my health, and understand who the heck I was

Buuuut, I also really wasn’t ready to get pregnant!

While looking for a better (more natural) option I came across Fertility Awareness, I learnt to track my fertility signs and I’ve never looked back!

I’ve now been successfully and naturally avoiding pregnancy for the past 7 beautiful years PLUS navigating what is going on with my health using my cycle charts
AND I have been helping other women and beautiful humans do the same! From helping clients with natural contraception, to seeing them birth their beautiful babies, and overcome crippling endo, I’m here to show you just how capable you are and just how incredible your body is when you know how to decode it’s wisdom!

I get it though, this isn’t common knowledge. It isn’t something we get taught in school. In fact there is a lot of misinformation and fear mongering that goes on when it comes to our cycles…

But never fear coz Liz is here!! (yes I do occassionally talk about myself in the third person haha)

It’s time for you to get clarity on your cycle!

What are you waiting for?!

Let me teach you how easy it gets to be to feel confident in your body and your fertility signs too!

Here’s what we’re gonna go through in your free CHART YOUR CYCLE Masterclass

✦ The importance of ovulation (it's so much more important than ‘just’ making babies)

✦ Your 3 primary fertility signs (you will learn how to check and chart them)

✦ How to apply this wisdom to your cycle journey - whether that be for effective contraception, achieving pregnancy, or your getting on top of your wild hormones!

✦ My favourite app to use to track your cycle effectively

+ a bunch more tips to make tracking and understanding your cycle as simple as scrolling on your phone!

Don’t just take it from me!

Words from previous masterclass